Tips and tricks for podcasting in style

There are two types of content that we really recommend right now (not a universal panacea, but generally speaking): video and audio. It seems like users are digging into meaningful content more than ever. At BEAM, we're big fans of both, but today we want to talk about podcasting.


We started our own podcast on the Horeca industry and not only, Pinch of Salt, back in 2018, when this audio medium was not so popular as it is today and we created our own product from scratch. Alexandra was in charge of the concept and production and Andrei Țarca came with his creative twist and technical know-how. Two local radios offered us a space to play around (EBS Radio from Cluj for season 2 and 3, Radio Cluj for season 1) and we managed to produce three seasons with 7 and 8 episodes each. This experiment made us understand the technical aspects, content, and the way you should market these products.

Here are some tips & tricks:

  • Start with your concept: is it solid? Does it follow a coherent set of ideas? Do you have a plan? Ask yourself: can I tell a story instead of giving raw pieces of advice?

  • Think about your audience: who's your target audience? Moms? Young entrepreneurs? Do you need new clients? Talk to them and ask what if they would listen to such a podcast!

  • What's your key message? If you were to narrow it down to one catchy phrase, what's your podcast about?

  • Make sure you have the proper technology (microphone, programs). There are various ways to make your podcast sound professional.

  • Who's the host? Do you need a professional voice? Or you plan to do it yourself? Train your voice before going on air, make sure your pronunciation is flawless and you have a good command of the language you are using.

  • How does your brand sound? If it is a restaurant maybe it would be a nice idea to have some background kitchen sounds? Think about how your brand manifests when you're on air. Just like score music in cinematography, your brand needs an audio signature.

75% of podcast listeners took action in response to a sponsored message on the shows that they listen to, including branded messaging. With a branded podcast you will gain access to new audiences and learn more about your target audience.

Making a podcast is not that hard. You can just get a microphone and start recording. But creating a podcast that sounds easy-peasy has a huge amount of thorough research and preparation behind it. 

Do you have questions about podcasting? Can we help you develop your own podcast?

We'd love to show you some of our results. Podcasting is a hell of a branding tool when used properly. We're here to help: Andrei Țarca as p(r)odcaster, Alexandra Crăciun with her project management wand, Ioana Trușcan with her copywriting skills, and David Stroe with his amazing visuals. 

Here are some/ all the episodes of Pinch of Salt. Have a listen


A venit momentul să închidem acest sezon și e o foarte mare bucurie pentru mine că pot să-l închid cu această discuție. Mutatul la țară, despre care am discutat tot sezonul acesta, vine cu o responsabilitate indiscutabilă și foarte importantă față de patrimoniul cultural.

Și iată-ne ajunși la episodul al șaselea din podcastul Pinch of Salt. Oamenii pe care urmează să îi prezint îmi sunt din cale-afară de dragi și mă bucură tare că îi am ca invitați: Alexu și Mara de la Viscri 32.

Scriam săptămâna trecută pe Instagramul meu personal că sunt în căutarea unui podcast românesc cu discuții profunde despre esența vieții. Autentic și lipsit de acele măști pe care le purtăm în viața de zi cu zi. Ascultând și eu înregistrarea aceasta, îmi dau seama că într-o mare măsură am reușit să înregistrez un episod exact după acest calapod.

Alexandra Craciun

For us, branding is not just a logo and some pretty well-designed materials. Our focus is on their anatomy. Just like the beams that provide necessary structure within a building, our work sustains brand coherence all over your media channels, being aligned with your business objectives at the same time. Although we deliver visually & aesthetically appealing brands, our focus is on creating systems you can easily use in your day-to-day marketing. That is why we never forget about the practicalities of everyday communication in our deliverables and we use an immersive approach in order to deeply understand your brand and your context (no more boring mugs & business cards you never use!). We are also no longer designing for our ego and portfolio (we’ve learned that lesson the hard way). Now, we are only interested in creating brands that our clients can really-really use: ones that are thoughtful and personalised, with a long term vision, structured, strategy oriented, ethical, and timeless.

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