Branding for Psychologist, Author, International Speaker: Raluca Anton

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We crafted Raluca's personal branding in two stages:

  1. May 2017: In the initial stage, we developed a comprehensive strategy encompassing photo shoots, visual identity, establishment of social media channels, and a communication strategy.

  2. June 2023: We were delighted when Raluca approached us for a second collaboration to take her brand even further. She successfully implemented all aspects outlined in the initial strategy and needed a new vision for the next 5-6 years. This time, we collaborated within the ecosystem of brands she had cultivated over time, adding an international perspective into her plans.

2017: personal branding from scratch

Kintsugi: The Centuries-Old Art of Repairing Broken Pottery with Gold - served as our inspiration for the personal branding initiative conducted for Raluca Anton, psychotherapist. Raluca's professionalism, work ethos, ethics, and charm motivated us to delve into the very core of her practice, which revolves around "fixing" people and guiding them on a journey toward self-improvement. This process utilizes empathy along with a "golden" set of skills and scientific knowledge.

  • Strategy & copywriting: Alexandra Crăciun

  • Art director: David Stroe

2023: repositioning Raluca Anton

In the dynamic world of branding and personal development, our collaborative journey with Raluca Anton has unfolded as a tale of transformation and continuous growth. In 2017, we had the privilege of crafting the brand identity for Raluca, an talented individual with a clear vision. However, the Raluca who returned to us was not the same person we initially encountered. She had evolved, bringing forth new ambitions and aspirations. This time presented a distinctive challenge, as Raluca sought to transition from an individual brand to a curator of experiences and a creator of an ecosystem of brands with an international approach.

Hence, we needed a comprehensive system that could seamlessly integrate with the other brands in her portfolio, each having distinct positioning and strategies. Our response was a journey of repositioning, simplification, and strategic expansion.

To begin with, we had to make a distinction between Raluca Anton and her current system of brands.

  1. Raluca Anton BRAND: This entity embodies multiple roles, including being an author, podcaster, trainer, specialist, speaker, and public speaker. Additionally, this personal brand serves as the driving force behind the broader "RA brands" umbrella, defining the ecosystem of brands under its purview.

  2. RA Brands: This term encompasses the complex ecosystem of brands curated by Raluca Anton.

These two entities coexist in a mutually beneficial and interdependent relationship, contributing to the holistic success of the entire brand ecosystem.

These two entities coexist in a mutually beneficial and interdependent relationship, contributing to the holistic success of the entire brand ecosystem.

One of the most significant challenges that we encountered was the need to create a system that would work harmoniously across various of her brands, each with different positions in the market. Some brands targeted the middle class, while others aimed to attract a premium clientele. Our objective was to position the Raluca Anton brand ecosystem as the number one choice for personal development. Achieving this goal involved retaining the 'kintsugi' concept while implementing it uniquely for each brand based on its positioning and strategy.

  • Strategy: Alexandra Crăciun

  • Art director: David Stroe

  • Brand manager: Denisa Deac

We initiated the transformation by simplifying the Raluca Anton brand logo, retaining only the core elements - "psychologist" and "doctor." This minimalist approach reflects the brand's commitment to clarity and its premium positioning.

Recognizing Raluca's ambition for international recognition, we conducted a comprehensive analysis. Our goal was to develop an ecosystem that could transcend borders and thrive on a global scale. This strategic shift laid the foundation for her international expansion.

Within the brands comprising Raluca Anton's ecosystem, 'Raluca Anton' emerged as the premium flagship. To reinforce this image, we maintained a minimalist color palette of black and beige, exuding elegance. The introduction of a gold line further emphasized the brand's premium identity.

We also performed a website redesign, realizing that it often serves as a brand's first impression. Next on the agenda is an overhaul of the social media presence, coupled with the creation of editable materials in Adobe (we usually use Canva, but since Denisa Deac works as a brand manager, we can use Adobe suite). This comprehensive approach ensures a consistent brand identity across all touchpoints.

To elevate the premium status of the Raluca Anton brand, we strategically extended the distinctive color palette to the more commercially-oriented product, 'Jocurile Minții.' This decision not only reinforced the premium image of 'Raluca Anton' but also enhanced the appeal of 'Jocurile Minții' to its target audience.

While 'Jocurile Mintii' right now finds its place on Raluca Anton's website, it represents an intriguing medium brand tailored to a wide audience. This project extends a welcoming invitation to collaborators, reflecting the brand's commitment to fostering partnerships and facilitating expansion. Notably, we've made significant adjustments to the color palette since the original branding efforts in 2017. The palette has evolved to be more commercial, with desaturated tones that resonate with a broad audience. This shift is not merely logistical but strategic in nature.

We've taken the initiative to revamp the design of products originally offered under Raluca's brand, recognizing the potential for 'Jocurile Mintii' to stand independently. The ultimate objective is for 'Jocurile Mintii' to flourish as a self-sustaining project, in collaboration with a network of psychologists, reaching an even wider audience and solidifying its position in the brand ecosystem.

Beyond the Raluca Anton brand, our work extended to PsyLife, a business curating psychologists under the same conceptual framework. We needed to represent the brand in a way that, while PsyLife maintains some connection to Raluca Anton, it is a distinct brand with its own identity. To emphasize this, we introduced a unique color palette and fonts that set PsyLife apart.

These design choices not only serve to differentiate PsyLife from Raluca Anton but also provide a subtle hint at its association with the broader brand ecosystem. PsyLife is positioned to make psychology more accessible and popular, contributing depth and appeal to the entire brand ecosystem.


Să lucrez cu BEAM a fost provocator și minunat, în același timp. A fost provocator pentru că oamenii aceștia știu așa bine ce fac încât nu te lasă să derapezi și te tot aduc pe cărare, iar asta poate fi frustrant în anumite momente și, mai mult decât atât, a fost provocator pentru că felul în care eu fac uneori lucrurile pornește de la: “hai să facem acum ceva și vedem noi cum o scoatem la capăt”, dar cu BEAM lucrurile nu merg așa.

Când mi-a spus Alexandra că implementarea unor lucruri va dura câțiva ani mi-am dat ochii peste cap și mi-am zis:”bineeee! Lasă că fac eu cumva să iasă mai repede!” Desigur, 5 ani mai târziu s-a întâmplat fix cum a fost predicția, motiv pentru care m-am întors ca elevul cuminte care dorește să învețe și să descopere mai mult.

Și asta este, de fapt, minunat în toată această experiență: faptul că povestea se construiește în timp, cu o echipă care își știe foarte bine partea, cu un designer ca David care ascultă în detaliu și apoi își ia timp să construiască un vizual, cu o răbdare și o blândețe infinită ca ale Denisei care integrează toate aceste elementele ale strategiei și le “dă voce” în social media.

Și cred că, de fapt, asta înseamnă o colaborare sănătoasă: cineva care să îți scuture sistemul și să îți arate unde necesită îmbunătățiri și unde trebuie să te întorci la 180 de grade, dar care îți oferă pe parcurs siguranța faptului că lucrurile se întâmplă în ritmul în care e nevoie să se întâmple pentru a construi ceva sustenabil și de impact pe termen lung.


Branding for PATRU