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This is a restaurant concept we never implemented. The COVID-19 came and the hospitality industry was almost ruined by the new national regulations and epidemiologic situation. This restaurant was meant to be located in the very center of Cluj-Napoca, ground 0. There was no restaurant in the city in this niche (nordic cuisine) and we wanted to fill up the love of Romanians for Scandinavian aesthetics. The menu was supposed to have Swedish meatballs and fish soups, completely inspired by northern tradition. The interior had natural textures, just like the interior in the Scandinavian peninsula. The tone of voice of the brand had that „lagom”, „fika”, „hygge” kind of feeling.

Naming & concept: Alexandra Crăciun

Art director: David Stroe

Interior design: Gosho Studio


Branding for Black Giraffe


Branding for Lumos